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Forum Dvorah Experts

Efrat Shalvi Leibovitz

Army-Society and Society Communication, Army-Society and Gender Relationships, Images of Masculinity and Femininity in New Media and Traditional Media

אורנה מזרחי

Dr. Efrat Shalvi Leibovitz holds a BA in Communication and a MA in Political Communication from the Department of Political Science at Tel Aviv University, where she investigated the relationship between Israeli politicians and the media in a study entitled: "Israeli Politicians' Perceptions of Visual Media 'politics'".

During her PhD, Efrat researched in the gender department at Ben-Gurion University, the connection between gender positions and images of male and female soldiers in the weekly "Camp". This study is entitled: "From warrior - to warrior and sensitive, from sensitive soldier - to warrior: images of male and female soldiers between the years 1948-2009 as an expression of gender changes in Israeli society".

She is currently a lecturer in the Faculty of Education at the Ono Academic Campus, researching and lecturing at professional conferences on the military, society, communications and gender.

Dr. Shalvi Leibovitz is a member of the Society of Military Researchers, a member of the Research Group on National Security, Military and Communication Research at the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), and a member of the Israeli Association for Feminist Studies and Gender Studies.

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