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About Us

Empowering Women in National Security and Foreign Policy

Our Mission

Established in 2015 in Israel, Forum Dvorah actively champions women's participation in national security and foreign policy decision-making spheres. Aligned with UN Security Council Resolution 1325, the organization fervently advocates for the equal participation and protection of women in peace and security efforts, guided by principles of participation, protection, and gender mainstreaming.

As the only non-profit in Israel dedicated to advancing equal representation of women in pivotal decision-making roles and public discourse within the security, foreign affairs, and policy-making realms, Forum Dvorah prides itself on its diverse non-partisan network of professional women in the fields of national security and foreign policy. This unique composition unites individuals from various backgrounds and opinions, all bound by their professional commitment to national security and foreign affairs. In challenging the prevalent exclusion of women from decision making, Forum Dvorah stands as a trailblazer for gender inclusivity and diversity in these vital discussions.

Our Vision

Forum Dvorah is dedicated to reshaping the narrative by amplifying women's presence and engaging them in public discourse through professional panels, conferences, media interviews, articles, and commentary within the realms of national security and foreign policy. The organization actively cultivates a network of prominent women in Israel, simultaneously fostering the growth of the next generation of female leaders in these crucial fields.

Our Impact

Forum Dvorah has been at the forefront of advancing gender equality through various impactful initiatives. The organization advocated for women's equal participation and opportunities in combat roles within specialized military units, addressed the unjust exclusion of women from Executive Directorship positions and additional high levels tasks, within government ministries, and engaged in advancing gender equality through petitions presented to the Supreme Court when necessary. Additionally, Forum Dvorah created a comprehensive educational resource honoring female warrior, hosted a joint conference with the Movement for the Quality of Government on the impact of structural shifts on the Israeli Defense Forces, and launched the Dvorah JOBS Initiative to propel women into prominent roles in foreign affairs and national security. 


Their valor and combat capabilities prove the potential of women to serve as warriors in the IDF

Forum Dvorah is an independent registered non-profit association in Israel (Amuta no. 580604585).

Forum Dvorah is a non-partisan, non-profit NGO with an active network of professional women in an array of fields relating to Israel’s national security and foreign policy.

The Forum is unique in terms of its goals and the make-up of its participants, who come from a variety of opinions and backgrounds, but who are all involved professionally with the security and political fields.

Forum Dvorah works to include women in official committees dealing with security and foreign policy issues, including issues relating to the status and advancement of women in the IDF and the defence establishment, as well as to integrate women in academic discussions, conferences, professional panels and Israeli media discussion national security in Israel and around the world.

The Forum operates in collaboration with officials such as Members of Knesset from across the political spectrum; government ministries, the security establishment and civil society organizations. 

Forum Dvorah 2.0 - Mid Level Management Program

Our program supports the development and advancement of the next generation of women leaders in the fields of national security and foreign affairs, by creating a peer network and working with senior women who have already “broken the glass ceiling”.

The program includes one-on-one mentorship, networking, seminars, professional guidance and opportunities.

Among our previous events: 

  • Round table discussions with senior members of Forum Dvorah on: understanding organisational politics; moving from one sector to another (public-private); requesting a raise, overcoming professional challenges and more.

  • Speed-networking 

  • “Pitch-Making” workshops  

  • "I am remarkable" workshop with Google Israel 

  • A roundtable with a senior member from the UK Defence Intelligence 

  • Meeting with the German Ambassador to Israel on women in diplomacy and lessons from her career 

  • Several meetings specifically tailored for women serving in the defence establishment 

  • "Negotiation workshops" with Brig. Gen. (res.) Israela Oron 

  • "From Jerusalem to Paris" a frank discussion between a senior members of the National Security Council and a senior member of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs on directing and implementing foreign policy.

Mentorship Program

Mentoring processes take place informally and sporadically between senior members of the Forum Dvorah and younger forum members since our establishment. In 2020 we decided to formalise these processes in a structured program, which will complement the existing activities for the support and development of women in the core areas of the forum.


During the first round of the program we had 17 senior mentors and 18 mentees participating; in the second round - 20 mentors and 23 mentees and we are currently signing up our third cohort.


Our Donors

Forum Dvorah extends heartfelt gratitude to our donors for being an invaluable part of this journey


Thank you for standing with us !

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Why are we named "Dvorah"?

The Forum is named after the Biblical prophet Dvorah (Deborah):

A Leader, Judge, Counsellor, Warrior, and Poet

An extraordinary woman of her time who serves as a role model and source of inspiration to this day.

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