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Forum Dvorah Experts

Elisheva Machlis

Iraq, the Arab Shi‘a, Sunni-Shi‘i Relations, Iran

אורנה מזרחי

Dr. Elisheva Machlis is a expert specializing in Iraq, the Arab Shi‘a, Sunni-Shi‘i Relations and Iranian religion, state and society. 

She is a faculty member from the Middle East Studies Department at Bar Ilan University. 

In addition, she is a lecturer in the Middle East Department of the Israeli and overseas student program at the School of Government at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, as well as a lecturer in the Department of History of the Middle East and overseas students at Tel Aviv University. 

Dr. Machlis has also been a consultant and researcher within for UK companies dealing with financial risks including Risk Advisory Group, KPMG, Deloitte and PwC, where she has engaged in preliminary business research for companies potentially investing in companies in the Middle East. 

Previously, Elisheva was also a researcher at the Political Research Department in the Israeli Foreign Ministry, where she concentrated on Persian Gulf countries and produced surveys and policy reports on regional developments for the ministry. 

Elisheva has a PhD from the University of Cambridge (England) in the Department of Middle School Studies. Her thesis dealt with Imami Sectarianism and the Challenge of Modernisation. 

She has a Masters degree from Tel Aviv University in the Department of Middle East and Africa Studies and an BA from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in the Department of History of the Middle East and Political Science. 

Elisheva has two Post-doctoral Fellowships, one from Tel Aviv University, The Alliance Center for Iranian Studies and one from the Truman Institute at Hebrew University.

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