Miriam Rosman
History, International Relations, Israel-France Relations, European Union, France, Anti-semitism, Holocaust

Historian, International Relations Expert, Israel French Relations Expert, Lecturer , Author, News Commentator, Analyst, Public Speaker
Dr. Miriam Rosman has a Ph.D. degree from the Sorbonne University in International Relations and History. Her field of expertise is Israel – France relations and Israel -Europe relations.
In January 2009 she published a book titled:
" La France et Israël 1947-1970, De la création de l'Etat d'Israël au départ des Vedettes de Cherbourg"
PARIS, Honoré Champion Editeur 2009.
The book was published in Hebrew at Resling Publishing 2014.
She is often invited as a commentator and analyst on French media, as well as in English and Hebrew.
She was a consultant for Documentary regarding Israel -French Relations for the French television. For exemple the Documentary ; "Cherbourg Haifa, Une histoire de Vedettes". 2019 and was also involved as consultant as well for a Documentary on Israel-French Relations which was presented in Israel at the Doc Aviv Festival of 2014.